Comar  Marine

sells yacht equipment and provides services. A well established family owned nautical brand with focus on high quality products.


Comar Marine needed to update their website. The brand mark is well established, but doesn’t have an established brand identity and is inconsistent.

brand  identity

website design

website development

information architecture

competitor research

consultation services

Problems & Goals

The platform of the website, was already established and was not in the plans to be replaced or updated. This provided difficulties and limitations that we managed to overcome through Information Architecture and significant visual changes, along with making the website fully responsive.

Looking at what was already established, we defined the problems which gave us an advantage.

This way we could use our design thinking methodologies and critical thinking to find solutions that were accommodative to the current platform,

but that would completely transform the functionality and visual result of the website.

We looked at the Information Architecture and prioritised on what the website needed and could not be compromised.

Then, we completely transformed the brand identity using their current brand mark as an anchor.


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