sells industrial lubrications & needs to digitalise and upgrade their brand.


TRCI needed to digitalise, update their website, and their SEO in order for it to be findable by the search engines. The website was outdated without responsive capabilities and the brand needed to be looked at as a whole and placed amongst the competition in a new way.

brand  identity

website design

website development


competitor research

information architecture

Problems & Goals

We based our Information Architecture structure and design decisions on solid data, extracted by researching the competition, direct and indirect. This helped in structuring the information in a manor that doesn’t require multiple clicks for the visitor to find what they’re looking for, and with logical sequence using the mental models already in place.

First we look at the competition – direct & indirect – and analyse all aspects (seo, IA, brand idenity, visual design, data, etc).

Then we set ground rules for the TRCI brand, targeting the correct customer. By doing this we establish a strong foundational structure.

And a brand identity is born, guiding our design problem solving decisions,

resulting to

a website designed around the needs and expectations of the customer’s customer.


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